Fenris Friday

Fenris Friday

 Mommy says I have an expressive face. I am practicing my inquisitive look.

 My bored look.

 Let's go down to the butterfly garden. I like to practice my looks in different locations.

 My sophisticated look.

 My man about town look.

 Do you thinks I will impress the GIRLS?

 Are you impressed Ciara?

 My hopeful look.

 OK, I has to chase that BLIMP thing off now. It flies awful low. 

 I think it is gone now.

 Don't come back BLIMP!

 I found a lizard. Scylla taught me how to catch them. 

 I will give it to Scylla .............

If I can find it.

- Mancat Monday
I am helping Mommy weed. I has a really important job, I has to meow encouragement at her so she doesn't give up. I also provide company for her while she weeds, so she doesn't get lonely. Unfortunately Eldest Boy Bean's puppy is interfering...

- Calling All Clowns By Tuiren
Remember I needs you clown pictures by Feb 1st. The debonair 007 was my very first victim clown.  Who is going to be brave enough to join him in my clown tent?  CATS you are most welcome to come to the circus and send me your clown pictures....

- Fenris Friday ~ Doing A Fin
I was pawstruck by Fin's ability to combine two events in one post Housecat Confidential: Helping Dogs Meow Like Pirates, I think the ability to multi task is very important so I am going to attempt to combine my entry into Mango's Wanna Be Like...

- Surprise!
I can't tell you how glad I am that I got to clean the pasture on Tuesday!Because....This is what I woke up to on Wednesday...                                  ...

- The Winter Olympics Continue.....
You might remember a post a couple weeks back about Bobby and his Olympic Training.  Bobby is a winter natural...with his warm furry coat.  Snow doesn't get him down.  He's out and about no matter what the weather.  Adventure...

