Flow ~ Photohunt & Sibling Saturday

Flow ~ Photohunt & Sibling Saturday

We just love the way the hair on Fenris tail flow(s) through the air.  (VBP) Flow : to hang loose and billowing <her gown flowed around her>
Fenris is demonstrating how to tame sticks to Mr. Who.

They are best buds.

I watches the boys to make sure they behaves.

Fenris is watching for intruders, he is a good flock guardian.

And he is a pawsome stick trainer. ~Sweet Annie Tuiren reporting

- Tuiren Tuesday
Fenris, will be going to get his flu shot Thursday. They were out when he went for his annual shots due to the outbreak of Canine Influenza in Chicago.  Now that they have it in, he has an appointment to go get it. Guess I will miss my walk as Mommy...

- Fenris Friday (flashback)
Hi, thanks for coming by to see me. Mommy loves my tail almost as much as she loves my blue eyes, so I show it off every chance I get. This is what I thinks of Rainy Days, I do not likes them. I wants to go out and play. I am carefully watching the woods...

- Wildlife Wednesday
Do you see HER????? The Goose is sitting on a nest. The Gander swims around the pond looking for intruders. Silly Gander, we wouldn't have seen the Goose if he hadn't been stationed in front of the island, so we knew to look. Pretty soon I will...

- Fenris Friday
Sometimes Daddy is nice and leaves sticks in my yard for me to play with. I am teaching this stick some manners. Wanna go walking with me and look at wildflowers. I'll just leave the stick here so it'll be waiting when I come back. These are in...

- Tsarina Tuesday ~artemisia
 I gets along with all my siblings. Socks and I get along with Fenris, Scylla well she acts loony around him, but I think she is beginning to catch on to dog management 101.  I gets along so well with Fenris I kiss him on the mouth sometimes....

