Flowers on Friday

Flowers on Friday

With all the rain we have been getting the flowers in the butterfly garden are thriving.
When it is sunny the butterflies come out for some nectar. They are very fast so it is hard for Mommy to capture them with the flashy thing.....

before they fly away.

- Wildlife Wednesday
Hummers are very fast so sometimes it is hard to capture them. Mommy just got a wing in this picture. If you look carefully you can see it. This is better Mommy managed to capture the entire bird. Well she got the bird but it is blurry. Much better picture....

- Scylla On Sunday
(Scylla wake up!!!!!!!) Gosh, I didn't realize we had company. What would you like to do. Sure we can go look at the flowers. Aren't the Angel Trumpets pretty. They are a mass of blooms. We hopes to have more of them next year. This is a Paperwhite....

- Flowers On Friday
When Daddy built the raised bed in the front yard Mommy begged, pleaded, groveled and promised all sorts of things if he would build another raised bed around the bird-feeder. First she had to take all the rocks away and dig up all the flowers that were...

- Thursday Thirteen ~ Butterflies
Thirteen Things about Butterflies A butterfly is an insect of the order Lepidoptera Butterflies are termed as holometabolous insects, and go through complete metamorphosis. Egg Larva, known as a caterpillar Pupa (chrysalis) Adult butterfly (imago)...

- Goodbye Garden
How amazing is it that one day you have 20 or so pepper plants loaded with all different varieties and the next day they are gone? Chalk that one up to a killing frost. The past couple of nights have brought Bee Haven Acres temperatures in the very low...

