Flowers on Friday

Flowers on Friday

Mommy when I get through eating my greenie can we walk down to the butterfly garden and show our friends the flowers.

(Yes, Fenris.)

These are Swamp Iris. We loves their cheerful yellow color

Our purple wisteria is a mass of blooms. I just love it when everything is blooming down here. It smells heavenly.

Now can we walk over the bridge.

(Sigh, I guess so Fenris)

Splash, our walk has been interrupted by an unforeseen fall. Apparently Mommy does not like being all wet. But at least she managed not to get the camera or the cell phone wet.

- Fenris Friday
Mommy has a lot of weeding to do at the Hummmingbird Cottage. The Rooster Violets are blooming. Some pretty little purple flowers growing wild. Mommy is going to try to weed around them. Some yellow wildflowers. Our Wisteria. The Japanese Magnolia has...

- Thursday In The Garden
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- Butterfly Garden ~ Party For Charlie ~ Flower Show Day 2 Post 1
I (Scylla) am very glad you could join me, in the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden.  This is a Vitex, we are going to let ours be a shrub.  Our Butterfly Bush Bottlebrush  Lantana  Whiskers' Grave  And as promised a butterfly......................................

- Scylla On Sunday With Fenris
I guesses we should take Fenris for a walk Mommy. What a terrific idea Scylla, I have the leash and I am all ready to go for a walk. We can walk down to the butterfly garden. See the pretty purple verbena blooming. Lay down Fenris. Now STAY!!!!!!...

- More About The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden
This is what the Catmint (aka Catnip) looked like when I first planted it. It was growing well and looked very nice until some nameless kitties squashed it. We planted Bugleweed around Whiskers' grave. Here is a close up. I love the purplish leaves....

