Friday Smiles From Maddie and Her Piggies

Friday Smiles From Maddie and Her Piggies

It has been a perfectly perfect week on the farm.
Cool nights and warm (but not hot) days have re-energized me.
It is so much easier to harvest and put up the veggies when the weather is cooler!

Scattered storms have timed themselves so that I could take garden watering
off of my "to do" list.
The weeding is caught up.  The mowing is done.
The house is clean and the laundry and ironing finished.
What a heavenly feeling that is!

Today will be a day to catch up on horse grooming and hoof trimming.

And so I thought I would leave you with this little bit of sweetness...
Back by popular demand...

Maddie looks a little grungy in this video.
You see, she spent a bit of time in the pond the other day...
and she has not yet had a bath.

Have you ever seen three more gentle creatures?
It just makes my heart melt!

Have a wonderful weekend.
Wherever you are, I hope your days are cooling off a bit and your skies are blue!
I hope I have left you with a smile or two!

Hope you stop by for a visit on Monday.
We'll be here...telling more Tails from the Farm!

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