Frozen Poopsicles and Portion Control

Frozen Poopsicles and Portion Control

We've reached that point in the winter when daily chores seem to take forever.
While there are less chores to be done,
the ones that remain take much longer...
complicated by the ice on the ground.

Because the equines eat so much more hay in the winter, 
they produce that much more manure!

Because the dry lot is ice covered,
manure melts through the ice and then freezes in place...
making manure clean-up a daunting task that involves either a pick-axe or shovel!

For some reason, the dogs love these frozen turds...

we call them "poopsicles"!

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, but temperatures still remained in the low 20's...
not enough for a thaw.

I sat watching the donkey girls eat their afternoon flake of hay.
Looking for any clue as to why Daphne is so much rounder than Chloe,
I watched as the girls shared their hay flake.

For every little bite that Chloe (on the left) takes...
Daphne (right) takes a huge bite.

By the time the flake is gone, I am sure that Daphne has consumed the largest portion.

I love the look of pure pleasure that Daphne has as she eats her lunch...
smile on her lips, eyes partially closed....MmmmmMmmmm....
munch, munch, munch....

She reminds me a little of MaryAnn...

who always steals food from Ginger's bowl as they are eating.

However, if Ginger tries to get any of MaryAnn's food...
she's met with squealing and head-butting!

Nobody takes food out of MaryAnn's bowl...
not if they know what's good for them!

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