Getting ready for our first Christmas by Scylla & Charybdis

Getting ready for our first Christmas by Scylla & Charybdis

Charybdis helped Mommy put the Christmas decorations out. It took for EVER. First Mommy had to get the Christmas stuff out of storage, then she had to put the non-Christmas stuff in storage and then she dusted real good. Then we FINALLY got to arrange the pretties.

It was exhausting, I had to take a long nap when we finished.

Then we both helped Mommy put up the tree. The boys are in disgrace, cause they wouldn't help. Mommy had to do it all by herself, with just our help. Christmas trees come in huge boxes. They are very fun to play in.

Don't worry, we are only pretending to fight, Scylla would never really beat me up.

After our mock battle Scylla was so tired she curled up for a nap in a shoe box. Did we mention the naughty boys that wouldn't help put up the Christmas Tree got new shoes. We got the boxes, we LOVE boxes.

Scylla figured out how to turn the water on in the sink. But she can't figure out where it goes..................

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