Goat Pregnancies.....Exciting News!!!

Goat Pregnancies.....Exciting News!!!

If you all will remember, I had told you the story of our little fainting goat buck's first attempt at procreation.....in a nutshell, he attempted to mount and dropped over in a faint. Well, the good news is......HE DID IT!!! Three of our females, Jill, Missy and Myrtle have conceived. Becky ultrasounded them all and found that all are carrying twins, except for Missy. In Missy's case, only one fetus was seen. Also, our Dwarf Nigerian Goats (Star and Ash) are carrying twins....so we will are preparing for nine or more little kids this Spring. Becky says we can start passing out the cigars!!! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!! What an exciting Spring this is going to be. Look for upcoming Birth Announcememts! (and lots and lots of pictures.....oh boy, the paperazzi will be out in full swing!!!

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- Babies On Board
Becky and I braved the frigid temperatures and checked our female fainting goats for pregnancy. This involves shaving a patch of fur on their underbellies and applying a conductive jelly (brrrrrr, cold!) and then moving the ultrasound probe around against...

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