Great News!!

Great News!!

We are having babies!!
Goat babies!

Dr. Becky performed an ultrasound pregnancy check on our does
and found that each of them that were bred this Fall
are pregnant.
This was supposed to be a beating heart...but the baby moved.
Ooooooh (squeals of delight), in a few short months
we will have little ones again.
Oh, how I love kidding season...
the sweetness of newborn goat babies,
new life,
soft, cuddly, adorable, goat babies just waiting for 
lots of yummy lovin!

Our sweet Sissy is carrying Fred's baby.
Sweet Sissy
 Young Fred, the friendliest buck, ever.

Myrtle was successfully bred to Chip, and they make adorable
black and white kids with blue eyes.

Handsome Chip, our elder buck.

And dear O'Malley was finally bred to Skip,
after an unsuccessful try with Smoochie.

The babies were large enough on ultrasound to make it
impossible to tell how many each doe is carrying.

That's ok...
it will just be three more wonderful surprises this spring.
Our does usually have one to three kids,
who knows??
Time will tell.

- We're Expecting!
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- Mating Mayhem
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- Babies On Board!!
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- The Dating Game
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- Our Babies Keep Growing!
Isn't that always the case? No matter how hard we try to freeze our children at certain ages and keep them small, they always grow up...well before we are ready for it! And so it is the same with farm babies. When they are small, they are warm and...

