Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

I think it is unconscionable that this woman has been allowed to ruining these young men's lives. I hope she is prosecuted for lying.
In another development, the stripper who initially claimed she was beaten, raped and sodomized by three Duke University lacrosse team players - Dave Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann - has changed her story. Again.
This time she says Seligmann didn't participate in the alleged assault after all, although she still insists he was there when the others did. She also changed the time of the alleged assault so that it no longer coincides with time-stamped receipts Seligmann produced months ago indicating that he wasn't at the party house when the incident supposedly took place.

He has proof he wasn't there so she conveniently changes the time, how much more proof do they need she is lying????
A bit earlier, the dancer also decided she might not have been (children, stop reading here) vaginally penetrated by a penis, which is required for a rape charge in North Carolina. Nifong dropped the rape charges, but intended to pursue the remaining charges of kidnapping and sexual assault.

How many times does she get to change her story until the prosecutors wake up and realize she is nothing more then a publicity seeking lying (not a nice person)? How did this happen?
Between a perverse form of liberation feminism (which sanctifies strippers, prostitutes and porn stars) and a dogma of victimology (which places blame for all things at the feet of the white patriarchy), the players were instantly presumed guilty by virtue of being white males and privileged jocks. By the same reasoning, the dancer was assured victimhood by her status as a black single mother/student, reduced by centuries of white-male oppression to stripping for food and tuition.
These young men deserve formal apologies from everyone involved, the charges should be dropped immediately and the stripper should be punished to the fullest extent of the law for lying.

Read the rest of Kathleen Parker's post here.
This woman's vicious lies are hurting legitimate victims everywhere. There is something extremely wrong with a society that accepts a woman's lies at face value, ignores the facts and allows young men's lives to be destroyed just because they are white males.

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