Guinea Eggs

Guinea Eggs

Well, our young guineas have begun laying. They lay the cutest little, brown eggs. We have been letting them free range every day; and at night they return to their henhouse to roost. They lay their eggs in the henhouse. We have to quickly snatch them up because there is a wild critter that has developed a taste for them.Here is a guine egg next to one of our chicken eggs. The guinea egg is on the right. They are tiny, but quite tasty, and....low cholesterol....due to their size!

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Every afternoon, a trip to the pond results in this find... four lovely duck eggs. We have come to love our duck eggs...available only in the spring. Our ducks are trying hard to increase their numbers,and daily I am thwarting their efforts. Our...

- A Little Surprise
We are doing a little waddle dance here at the farm. The ducks are excited and so are we!!! Last night while changing the water in the duck hut,my daughter  Jenn found  something  wonderful! Three grey duck eggs!Our first. Raising this...

- Baby Steps
I have come to the conclusion that guinea fowl are not the sharpest tools in the shed. It seems to take forever for them to learn new behavior. Our 24 keets are now large enough to safely go out into their yard and not be able to escape through the fencing....

- The Long And The Short Of Egg Production
Currently, we have about 30 layers....producing about 15 (plus or minus) eggs a day. We have a dozen more Rhode Island Red adolescents that will begin to lay later this winter. The amazing thing to me is the variety of color and size that we get in any...

- The Business Of Eggs....
Now that Spring has arrived, not only are the chickens laying regularly, but now the ducks have begun egg production. What to do with all these eggs? We could eat them all, but our cholesterol levels might suffer. We give away dozens to friends and neighbors,...

