Happy February!!

Happy February!!

It has been a funny winter here on the farm.
We have gotten a fair amount of snow... in small doses.

If snow passes through the state, we seem to get it..
even if no one else does.

It's lovely, actually.
And it never seems to last long enough to get dirty.

No... we just have a lovely dusting every few days.
Perfect, sparkly, white flakes of cold.

Very cold.

But, we are not wishing our lives away, now are we?
No, we are celebrating the cold and the snow as gifts, right?

Ok..... truth be told, (she says whispering) on Saturday I had just had enough cold.
My hands hurt.
My body shivered.
And I was ready to trade my left something for a Spring day.

Unfortunately, Old Man Winter was not in a bartering mood,
and instead he just gave us another lovely snowfall instead.

I give up.
Back into the snowsuit and out into the snow....
smiling at my silly meltdown.

Smiling like Jill.

At least this awaits me when I return to the house...

and freshly baked cookies (thank you Amanda!) ....

and a pot of homemade chicken noodle soup on the stove.

Life is good.

And winter is still here.

The good news is....
it's February.
And at the end of this month we begin birthing season for goats!

YAY!!!!  Baby goats are the best.
And we have a special surprise planned for kidding season.
I will give you a hint.... it involves pink tutus and tiaras!!!
You'll just have to wait another month to see what we are up to!

And don't forget, today at noon I will pull a name from the chicken tote and see who
gets to call it their own.
Thanks so much for your book ideas....
so many great ones to choose from....
made it too hard to pick a winner,
so instead we are going "random".
(I will announce the winner on our facebook page after noon....
or you can wait for tomorrow's blog post.)

You all are just the best.... always ready to help me out when I need it!
I am so lucky to "know" you.
Hugs to you all!

PS:  I finished another apron and we poured more lip balm and added them to the
Marketplace at Bee Haven Acres

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