Have you seen this van? by Scylla

Have you seen this van? by Scylla

Opus and Roscoe's flying van is still missing. We thought it would have been found by now. We haven't seen it, but we shall keep our eyes peeled for it. With five pairs of feline eyes, we are sure to spot it if it is anywhere in our vicinity.

We simply must run as we have a full day of shopping and sightseeing ahead of us.

- Please Purr Clementine Will Be Found Soon
Clementine from Life From a Cat's Perspective is still missing. Please purr that she is found soon and please keep your eyes peeled for her. ...

- Addio Opus
We were very sad to learn our dear friend Opus has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Opus blogged @ Cat Naps in Italy along with his sister Olive. His brother and littermate Roscoe went to the Rainbow Bridge in September of 2008. Goodness Gracie is his aunt...

- Tattle Tail Tuesday By Charybdis
(Photo by SS ~ Scylla, Socks & MoMo) Today we went to the inner harbour to hang out. It was very pleasant there and we saw some brown pelicans. They are very good fishers. We went sailing on the Biloxi Schooner. Now I know y'all are dying...

- The Saga Continues By Charybdis
(Photo by Sassy)Left to right back: Emil, Stanley, Asta, Roscoe, Momo (dog) Karl, Charlie, Ruis & Opus Left to right front: Emil, Asta, Momo (dog) Charybdis, Scylla, Charlie (standing behind) Pinot, Ruis, Socks, MoMo (kitty), Opus, Sassy & Mrs...

- Special Report From Ireland By Socks
Scylla is so scatterbrained, she would forget her head if it wasn't attached. Opus and Roscoe took this picture of us when we were together on the top of The Tower, before it went splat. Honestly I don't know what we are going to do with Scylla....

