Hello September!

Hello September!

Labor Day on the farm...

foggy, humid morning...

the quiet, peaceful daily routine...

as August morphed into September.

And with September came the hot sun that had forgotten us for the month of August.

We spent the afternoon at Andy and Ashley's new home.
A family portrait with their new dog Sam...

a 5 year old lab/coon hound mix that they rescued a couple of weeks ago.

A melding of families, great food, conversation, games made for a
wonderful day.

The cakes I made.....well, the lemon-blueberry poundcake (recipe here) was yummy as usual.

The chocolate chip poundcake was my attempt at copying a bakery cake
from a now closed bakery in Philadelphia (Hesh's).
This cake was a favorite of Ashley's family and I thought it would be a nice
thing to try to replicate for them.
Looked good...tasted fine...

but it missed the mark.
Oh well, back to the drawing board.
I love a challenge.

Meanwhile, back on the farm... our barn kitties took Labor Day seriously!

No work being done here...

Nope, it was a day for rest!

And what better place for a nap than a freshly delivered load of soft grass-hay!
Bobby: "Could you please turn off that flash!  I am trying to sleep."

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