Homeschool Day 1

Homeschool Day 1

Lord Epa and I resumed homeschooling today. Lord Epa seems to be enjoying the literature program I designed for him. We are gradually getting back into the Spanish groove. One of the things I like about Power Glide is not only do you study the language but you learn about the countries that primarily speak Spanish and their cultures. Today were studied Panama.

Some places we visited online.
Panama Canal History Museum
Panama National Parks
Save the Rainforest

- Spanish Class
In Spanish class we are going to enjoy a Pie de Limon: A recipe of Panama. Here you can find recipes for Panamanian Cuisine. ...

- Thursday Thirteen ~ The Mesoamerica Edition
Thirteen Things about Mesoamerica 1500 -1200 BC Olmecs build San Lorenzo. 1100 BC A second Olmec city is built at La Venta. c. 600-400 BC May build a living and ceremonial centre at Nakbe. c. 500BC Zapotecs build Monte Alban. AD 150 The Pyramid...

- Exciting Plans
First I have several field trips planned. Indian Shell Mound Park will not only provide us with an example of an Indian Mound, I have heard the birding is wonderful. We also plan to go to Emerald Mound, which will provide us with better examples and more...

- It's Not Bad Enough To Poison Our Pets Food, Now The Chinese Are Poisoning Medicine
In another scandal, it has been discovered that the Chinese put diethylene glycol, a prime ingredient used in antifreeze, into many varieties of medicines including cough syrup, fever medication, and injectable drugs. This poison was substituted for glycerin,...

- When Life Happens Homeschooling Continues On
Lord Epa dislocated his patella at soccer practice Thursday night. We got home from the ER about 1AM. Lord Epa was pumped full of pain killers, had his leg in a brace and was on crutches. Needless to say he slept all day Friday. The ER staff were relived...

