Homeschooling in Mississippi

Homeschooling in Mississippi

"Where Mississippi is normally at the bottom of everything in the United States, as far as home-school regulations, they are the best state to home school. You have free rein to teach your children what you feel like they need to learn," Sims said. "Mississippi has one of the better laws in the nation favorable to home educators," said Dewitt Black, senior counsel for the Home School Legal Defense Association, based in Virginia. "There is a good deal of freedom on the part of parents to choose their curriculum, their schedule and their means of evaluating their child's progress."
But Superintendent of Education Hank Bounds wants to change that. Thankfully House Education Chairman Cecil Brown, D-Jackson, said he doesn't see lawmakers taking any action in the 2007 session, so we have a little breathing room. It would be really nice if they would worry about fixing the public school system before they started messing with homeschoolers.
Sims said she is not impressed with how the state is overseeing the 470,000 students enrolled in public schools. "The state Department of Education is doing such a poor job of taking care of the ones that they have that we really need to be left alone to do what we see fit," she said.
I concur.

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