House Panther Looking for Love
Spooky, who doesn't look Spooky at all to us is about 1 year old. She is well behaved and gets along with other cats and dogs. She is currently residing at Animal Protection and Education Association, Inc.
Vancleave, MS a wonderful rescue that helps pets in our area. They helped Mommy with the lost doggie. While she was at APEA she saw lots of beautiful cats and sweet doggies that were looking for forever homes. Please consider sponsoring or adopting Spooky. ~ATCAD
Winsome Wordless Wednesday
A sleek panther on the prowl. ~ATCAD
Criz Cats Sanctuary's Panther
Criz's jointly adopted cat Panther has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Jayson is still at the vets and very ill. So we knows Criz could use some encouraging words and Jayson would appreciate healing purrs.
Siblings On Sunday By Socks
This is my brother Whiskers. Eldest Boy bean has a cat pillow that looks like Whiskers and Whiskers loved to sleep on it. Whiskers is at the foot of the bed and my brother Squal~n~Baby is by the pillows. They were helping Mommy with the laundry. Squal~n~Baby...
Please Purr For Panther
Panther is a cat with a lot of heart, please go by Criz Cat's Sanctuary to read about his latest misadventure. He really needs our purrs.
Every Day.... A Little Progress
The roof trusses are up! You may notice a gap between the roofline of the garage and the roofline of the house. That are will be framed in and the roofs will meet at an angle. The garage is at a 45 degree angle to the house. This is the view out...