

There's quite a hullaballoo around the farm these days.

You see.....
Fifi and her pals have started to spend their afternoons
on the lawn of the French quarter....
picnicking, gossiping and sunning themselves.
(That's Fifi....third from the right. And she is flanked by Babette, Cheri, Adele,
Amalie, and Collette....only a mother can tell them apart!)

is just a little bit more than the Frat Pack can stand.

At any given moment you will hear wolf whistles,
as the Roos strut their stuff to impress the gals!

I am afraid this bunch of French tarts is a little on the wild side...
staying out until all hours of the night...
playing their music so loudly the neighbors can hardly sleep!

The funny thing is...
Henri refuses to venture out of doors with the girls.
He prefers to stay indoors and read.
Perhaps the neighboring fraternity is a bit overwhelming for him.
They are, afterall, a bunch of raucous jocks,
while Henri is truly an intellectual.

He'll have to venture outside sometime...
and when he does,
well, that should be interesting!

In case you are new to my blog, the Frat Pack is a group of 6 Ameraucana roosters,
while the French Quarter is home to 24 Cuckoo Maran pullets,
and one fancy white, top-hatted rooster
(all of whom are just 6 weeks old.)

- Much Ado About Roos!
Well, it's finally happened.After nearly two years,all of the Roos have found the hens. Let me "recap" for you.... Two summers ago, I bought a dozen Ameraucana chicks...a "straight run" as they call it....unsexed.Well, the odds were not in my favor...

- My Confession
Hi, my name is Bev and I have 10 roosters. (I know, it sounds like I am at an AA meeting.) TEN!  I cannot believe my own ears.I have 10 roosters. And very possibly, I have 11 roosters....time will tell on that one. Funny....for a gal who only ever...

- Kissing Chickens
Before I get started with today's "tail", I just have to say...I LOVE SUMMER!!! You probably guessed what yesterday's special delivery was. Yes,I am the crazy chicken lady.I ordered a second batch of chicks... and they arrived yesterday. (just...

Yesterday's sunrise was the best part of the day.... A glorious red sun rose above the horizon and painted the sky shades of pink.And then it dawned on me...that little saying I heard so much as a child: Red sun at night, sailors' delight.Red...

- Growing Like Weeds
Wanna take a walk with me?You have to put on a pair of chicken boots! I just love these boots.They were my birthday present from Dr. Becky.She calls me the Crazy Chicken Lady.You don't really think I am a crazy chicken lady, do you? Well, down the...

