I Don't Even Know What To Call This!

I Don't Even Know What To Call This!

I am sure that it seems like life is always rosy around the farm...
my daughter always says I describe life like "rainbows and blue skies",
but I have to say...

This week I feel like crying "UNCLE!"

Let me start my story with the ending....

Yes, that's Sam...looking like he had a rough night at the bar.
"What's wrong with him?" you ask, chuckling.

Well, let's turn the hands of the clock back to yesterday morning....

I started out my Wednesday just like any other...
up at the crack of dawn, 
let the dogs out,
check email,
eat a bit of breakfast.

6:00 AM...Oakley is at the back door wanting in.
He comes into the house shaking his head...obviously annoyed by something.
I call him to me so I can check for the obvious....skunk odor.
No odor.
I see this....

I grab his collar, call Amanda, who is on her way out the door to work,
"Hold Oakley by the collar...I have to get Becky!"
Out the door I fly and up to Becky's barn....
"Oakley got hit by a porcupine!!" I cry.
"Let me get my truck... I'll be right there!" she says.

I get back to the house where Oakley is patiently, but traumatically, waiting...
and I say to Amanda "Have you seen Sam?"
I call him. "Sam, here Sam."
Sam appears....

OMG! Not.  Sam.  Too!!!

By 6:30, both dogs are anesthetized and Becky starts the task of pulling out the quills
(which, by the way, have a barb on the end, so they rip a bit when they come out).

Oakley had about 40 on his nose, lips, chin,
in his nose, on his tongue, in his gums, in his palate....awful!

Sam had 10 in his lips and nose.

Poor boys, I felt so very sorry for them.

"Don't let them back out in the woods," Becky says.
"They will most likely go and try to finish what they started.  Dogs just don't seem
to learn when it comes to porcupines!"

After some medication to reverse the anesthesia, both dogs were a little loopy for a while.

They spent most of the rest of the day moping around the house.
I'll be keeping them close by my side for the next week or so...
hoping that Mr. Porcupine moves on to another location!

Well, that was the start to my Wednesday.
I figured it could only get better!
How about you....
any excitement in your life??

If you need some, we have enough to go around!

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