I May Never Finish Planting!

I May Never Finish Planting!

This summer's gardening motto has been...
"if it's empty...plant it!"

As you have witnessed, I have planted everything that isn't nailed down.

You can imagine my delight yesterday when a neighbor dropped off a 
truckload of hollow tree stumps.

It was like Christmas in May!
20 enormous hollow tree stumps for me to plant full of flowers.

And so, yesterday afternoon I got out the tractor and proceeded to roll those stumps,
one by one, into the bucket of my tractor.
Then I carried them around and began depositing them in locations that 
needed a little sprucing up.

The entryway to the picnic pavilion is the perfect location for these rustic planters.
 I filled the majority of each cavity with compost and will top them each off with soil.
Then each will be filled with flowers.
(And I thought I had already made my last trip to our local greenhouse!)

I wanted to share with you my favorite tool for raised garden beds.

This little hand-held hoe is perfect for cultivating between rows of veggies...
pulling little weedlings out by the roots as it softens the soil for better water absorption.

And while we are on the subject of the garden,
recent rain showers coupled with hot sunny days is causing the garden
to grow right in front of my eyes.

There are times when I just sit on the ground in the garden and imagine
the energy filling my body...
bright green energy of growth.

It's invigorating.

I truly think that gardening is the key to a long and happy life!

Aside from the balance and inner calm that gardening provides,
you can't beat the fresh veggies!

I snapped a quick photo of that enormous grape vine that we talked about last week...
amazing, huh?

Last evening I worked in the garden until I could no longer see.
Evenings are cooler and more comfortable for weeding.
While I was there, I picked a bouquet for you!

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