If You Were Wondering About Leo.....

If You Were Wondering About Leo.....

There's a bit of competition at chore time...
Bobby and Annie vying for "shotgun" position in the gator.

Annie:  "Mommmm...you said I could ride shotgun!"

Me:  "You can, Annie...but there is enough room for both of you."

Annie:  "Blaaahhhh!"

Bobby soon had enough of sharing and jumped into my lap for the ride to the barn.

Every summer the same scenario plays over and over...
In the morning I put 7 fly masks on 7 equines.
By mid morning, only 6 are still on.
Scarlet, the fly mask Houdini, somehow removes hers.

Part of the problem is the size of her head...not quite pony size, but a little too big for mini size.
The other half of the problem is the fact that she is a bit of a diva
and is always complaining about "hat hair!"
So.....off comes the fly mask.

This year I ordered her a girlie mask...thinking that perhaps that would appeal to her vanity.

Not so...
an hour later it's in the dust!

I am not sure how she accomplished this feat.
This mask is pony sized, but I sewed a few nips and tucks into it so that it fit her perfectly.
And on top of that, it has super velcro closures.
"Where there's a will....."

From time to time I get inquiries about Leo.
Little Leo the Lionhearted is a nocturnal hunter and spends most of his days asleep...
usually somewhere hidden in the hayloft.

Yesterday I ventured into the top of the barn in search of the great hunter.
TomTom greeted me at the top of the steps.
Why the cats prefer the heat of the hayloft, I will never understand.
It was 88 degrees outside...probably 98 in the hayloft.
Downstairs in the barn....78 degrees.

"Leo...." I called.
No answer.
Over and over I called for him....no Leo.

Then Sammy appeared in the hayloft and within seconds, Leo wandered out from behind the hay.

These two have always been great buddies...

Two peas in a pod!

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