In Capable Hands

In Capable Hands

"Leaving on a jet plane....."
and so the song goes.

It has been a couple of years since we have left the farm for a vacation.

This morning we are catching a flight to a warm
and sunny location (Caribbean) for 9 days
of sun and fun....and rest!

For the next nine days, the animal care
will be in the capable hands of our friend Anna.
We will miss our critters, for sure.

But, ahhhhh, how nice it will be to feel the warmth of the sun
for a few days.

I have prepared some special blog posts for you in our absence....
so check back daily.....and enjoy some scenes from
Bee Haven Acres.

More tales when we return.....

- Memories.. An Encore Post
It has snowed again here on the farm,  and we are holding our breaths,hoping that Spring is following soon.  (The only one happy with the white stuff, though beautiful, is Sadie!) I can't write another post about snowy days, so instead,...

- Ahhh, Thursdays
Ok,I have something to confess to you. I don't work on least no farm work. Thursdays are my day off for the week.One day to rest the hands and feet makesme stronger for the other six days of farm chores. I am lucky to have our friends...

- In The Heat Of The Day
What a splendid week of beautiful weather we have had....sunny days, warm temperatures, balmy nights.The warm temperatures have given my garden boxes a jump start.The onions are up about 4 inches.The radishes and sugar snap peas are up.I have spent the...

- Goodbye Charlie Cat
Our dear barn kittie Charlie chased his last mouse, and has joined his old friends in Kitty Heaven. Charlie and his gal, Ella have been our mousers for the past 4 years. Charlie was born in unknown. His youth was spent prowling the...

- A Boy And His Goat......
Meet Mike. For those of you who have not read this blog from its beginning, you may not know Mike. Mike is my brother-in-law, husband to Becky (the Vet) hubby's sister. Mike and Becky moved from Reno, Nevada a little over a year ago and bought...

