In Need of Green

In Need of Green

Green...the color can conjure so many pictures, smells, feelings.
Green is my favorite color.
Green, to me, is soulful.
Verdant, grassy, lush, sprouting, leafy, foliate, flourishing, budding...
all words that connote greenness.

It is that time of year, when green feels so far away...
missing from our world for all too long.

I am suffering from green deficit...
my world a canvas of subtle browns and grays.

And so...yesterday I took a walk...
a walk in search of green.

Down the driveway I headed, to the fork in the road.
The right fork heads to the barn and the animals,
the left to the road and the duck pond.

I headed to the pond, searching for green.
A little moss in the woods....

but, still, not enough green to satisfy.

Where the spring bubbles out from under the old log cabin I found a 
wonderful concentration of green.

Oh, how I longed to jump into that green-surrounded pool
and bury my fingers in the grass....
taking deep breaths of freshly produced oxygen and chlorophyl.
A clear head prevailed, however.
It is, after all, still winter and a bit icy for jumping into spring water.

Apparently Oakley and Sam don't agree on that point.
As I turned and headed to the pond, they had just returned home from a run with Hubbs,
and both of them jumped right into the pond to cool off!

Back on land, with excess water shaken off their coats,

we headed back up the driveway to home.
I had had my dose of green and the boys had had an adventure.

Up closer to the house, I looked around the Rooster coop for our roos
(the only two remaining of the Frat Pack).

Not seeing them, I opened the door to their coop.

Silly old fellows.... 4:30 is a bit early for bedtime, don't you think?
They spend their days visiting the bird feeders by the house,
trampling in the woods,
and hanging out in the garage.
Not a very exciting existence with no women to chase...
no wonder they head to bed as soon as the sun begins its descent.


Hubbs suggested that I get an x-ray of "the finger" as the swelling had not
decreased all week,
so, yesterday I stopped by the orthopedic office and had a quick picture taken.
Fractured, indeed.

But what was even more amazing was the joint beneath the fracture.
Apparently there are certain parts of my body that are 90 years old!
Yuck!! (arthritis....a lifetime of using my hands!)

Goodbye February....not sorry to see you go!!

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