

MAGGY (Zoolatry) & ROMEO (Peggy's Place)
officially declare
Friday, June 19, 2009

I, Charybdis, am doing my part to further the cause. Can tomorrow be International Box Day too???? I really like it here. Mommy since I am in a box how about sending me to Khyra's Khorner so I can visit with her.

- A Picture Game By Scylla
My boyfriend, Brian, from Brian's Home tagged me. The rules are you have to find your first photo folder, scroll down to the 10th photo, post that photo and tell the story behind it; you must then tag 5 other bloggers to play the game.  Oh this...

- International Bloggers Award
All Over The World - Award Pughy over at Ginger Jasper gave me the International Bloggers Award. Thank you Pughy, I really appreciate it!! Here are the rules attached to this award: Link the person who tagged you. Copy the image above, the rules and...

- Wordy Wednesday Challenge 2009 Featuring Scylla
Maggy, Zoey and the Zoolatry Human, Ann made this great picture for me. Drop by Zoolatry to see all the other participants in the 2009 Wordy Wednesday Challenge.~Scylla ...

- Homeschoolers Win Regional Rov Meet
Homer, an underwater robot built by five Northern Michigan homeschool students, took first place in a competition for remotely operated vehicles (ROV) in Alpena. By winning the regional meet, hosted by the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, the students...

- International Baccalaureate Organization
One of the nice things about homeschooling is that all homeschoolers are free to form their own opinions about things and use the method of homeschooling that works best for their children. Spunky disapproves of the IBO schools, on the other hand I think...

