Is Trade School For You?

Is Trade School For You?

Trade School has changed with the times.
In the past, vocational education was seen as a second-class education, the path for students who planned to skip college and head directly into the workforce. But a national focus on academic accountability and a high-tech economy that demands more highly skilled workers has forced a change: Vocational education is now for college-bound students. Gone are the low-tech auto and woodworking shops, replaced by labs filled with state-of-the-art equipment and computers. Courses in tractor driving, cooking and engine rebuilding have given way to programs in veterinary medicine, robotics and computer networking. And the lax academic standards - once the hallmark of vocational education - have been pushed aside for a more rigorous curricula. Even the name has been changed. The lowbrow "vocational education" has been replaced with the lofty "career and technical education."

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