It Only Takes A Moment!

It Only Takes A Moment!

Saturday morning we woke up to this...

Five more inches of show had fallen during the night...

making our world even more beautiful...

I am in love with the blue hour.... especially when it snows!

For some strange reason, the pigs were eating snow.

The guineas, who apparently had not had the sense to go in out of the snow Friday night,
were roosting high in the branches...

not entirely happy with their choice of roosts!

I love our home in the snow...
a fire in the fireplace...
and austere white beauty out of every window.

It was a beautiful, peaceful weekend...

Oakley and Annie had disappeared for a while...
adventuring in the snow...
and both came home with nose-fuls and mouthfuls of quills.

Dr. Becky sedated both dogs, and she, Hubbs, and I set out to pull the quills.
This is the inside of Oakley's mouth...

Oakley had about 50 and Annie had 33.
You'd think they would learn.
This is the 3rd time for each of them.

Here we are afterwards...waking up from sedation...
with an extra dose of loving for both pitiful pups.

It amazes me how one moment our world is blissfully peaceful...
and the next...
utter craziness!

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