It's Coming!

It's Coming!

It's almost here!
The nights are cool now.
The days are finally bearable.

Everyone on the farm is enjoying the cooler temperatures.
Energy abounds.

Each morning all of the dogs come out for morning chores.
Hickory leads the way with energy not typical for a 15 year old.

Even Maddie has a spring in her step.
(Hot weather is tough on big gals!)

Oakley is happy to have so many friends
along for morning fun!

The goats are quite comical in cooler weather.
They are heading into mating season,
so everyone is "twitterpated!"
The boys enjoy head butting...
but stop what they are doing when I appear with the camera.

"What?  What are you looking at us for??"
(say two very innocent looking goats.)

Bobby rides along in the gator
and keeps watch over the watering cans.
He will soon begin to grow his fluffy winter coat.

Another sure sign that Autumn approaches is this....
The tree swallows have started to flock.
Each morning they sit on the electric wires.
Soon they will be leaving for warmer regions.

I love this time of year.
Almost as much as our animals do!

 PS: For those of you who read this blog on a regular basis....
I wanted to let you know that Rod's last tail feather is gone.
His poor behind is naked....
Poor, poor Rod...
That has to be a bit humiliating!

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