It's The Camera!

It's The Camera!

Thanks for your words of condolence yesterday about the passing of Smilin' Jack.
The goat yard isn't the same with out his begging for Ritz crackers!

I have to come clean about yesterday's pictures...
I used this camera instead of my little point and shoot.

This is my "good" camera.  
Because of its size and the need to change lenses, I rarely carry it with me.
For some reason, the other day, I just decided to get it out and play with it.
And now I am hooked.
You are so right!
The pictures are much better with this camera.

I took it with me yesterday when I went to the feed store.
There are a couple of places along the way that are my favorites
and I wanted to share them with you....

Love this barn...

I call this "Beauty in Decay"....

This old bridge, now closed, is right down the lane from our farm....

Purple asters along the favorite wildflower.

Can you tell what's on Smoochie's mind?
He's got that dreamy look in his eye,
and I believe a smile on his lips!

Smoochie is actually exhausted in this picture.
Smooch and Sally spent the day in active courtship.
Sally was quite the hussy and Smooch obligingly chased her all around the pen.
By the end of the day, however, neither was too interested in the other.
We are keeping our fingers crossed that he got the job done!

Would you believe that this iris is blooming right now?

It is... in Becky's garden.
She has several that bloom in both Spring and Fall.

How about a bird's eye view of my purple beautyberry bush?
The berries look good enough to eat...but I wouldn't advise it!

I don't think I ever have a solitary moment during the day.
There is always at least one or two dogs with me at all times.
Yesterday afternoon we spent an hour cleaning the pasture (and playing with the horses).

Maddie, my co-pilot....

Sam, who spent the hour running with the Littles....


And Oakley, enjoying the warm afternoon.

These guys are my constant companions,
and willing participants in any activity I suggest.
The keep me entertained all day long!

Oh, and before I forget...
look at the progress made today on the arena project...

Topsoil removed....
we finally have a footprint!

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