It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

There is nothing quite like Christmas in the barnyard.
All of the animals are buzzing with excitement...
talk of Santa and his reindeer is heard for days before the big event.

Annie looks a little like the Grinch's dog!
Each and every one of the animals knows that special treats await them
during this wonderful season!

And there is nothing they like better than dressing up.

It's quite a process...

picking out their Christmas attire.

So much to choose from....

At first the jingle bells seem a little scary.

But after a few moments, curiosity takes over and the costumes start flying!

Without a mirror to view themselves,
they are all heard shouting "How's this look?" over one another.

Eventually, they each try on several and swap them for their favorite...

and after just a little bickering...
everyone has the perfect outfit to wear.

If you listen closely to the disguise of braying and neighing, you will hear
the teasing and laughter and gleeful banter that might otherwise go un-noticed.

Dressed and ready to party, they await their special treats of apples and carrots.

And if I know these two, a couple of carrots will be put away for Santa's reindeer, too.
Daphne and Chloe are always willing to share!

- Have Scylla & Charybdis Been Naughty Or Nice?
We will have a BLUE Christmas, Mommy said it was very naughty to kill Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer when we were fighting. His corpse is laying by the speaker (Sockie~Pooh says that Mommy can fix him, so maybe Santa will forgive us and our Christmas won't...

- A Little Christmas Cheer For You
With just four days left until our big family Christmas celebration(Sunday) is time to finish up all of the little holiday details. Yesterday the animals finished picking their Christmas outfits. You might remember that Daphne and Chloe picked...

- Piggy Pudding For All
I was in the feed room yesterday afternoon getting everyone's dinner ready.Being Christmas, I had brought a bag of carrots to the barn with that everyone had special Christmas treats with their dinner. Across the aisle from the feed room...

- A Very Merry Christmas
If I had to imagine a perfect Christmas,it would start with morning chores in a freshly fallen snow. And that is just how our day started! We were treated to a White Christmas...just enough snow to make the farm beautiful and wintry, but not enough...

- More Dress-up Fun
When the goats heard that the donkeys were playing dress up,they begged to play along. Of course Dot was the first in line for hats.She chose the reindeer antlers because of the feather boa trim and the bells.Dot is a girlie girl! O'Malley was next...

