Look At Us Now

Look At Us Now

My girls continue to grow like weeds...funnier each day. To me, they look like cartoon characters instead of chickens. I have named a couple, for obvious reasons. As they mature and develop personalities, many more of them will inherit names. Growing chicks is one of the easier tasks on the farm. They really don't require much other than a constant warm temperature, food and water. These girls are feathered enough that I have removed the heat lamp from their coop now. A daily visit to assure their water is fresh and their food plentiful is about all there is to do at this point. As soon as our fenced-in chicken yard is built, I will be allowing these gals to go outside. For now, though, they are safely tucked away, inside.

Meet Hank, our rooster (center of picture) And Phyllis


And Izzy

There are a few more noteable ladies, but they were now very photogenic this session.

- Who's Who....part 5
Years ago, when we decided to have hens for eggs,we made it a point to avoid roosters.We bought our hens as chicks at the feed store.And all were hens. And there was peace on the farm. The next summer, we decided to increase our flock;and ordered 25...

- King Of The Hill
Rod seems to have adapted to living in the barn quite nicely. He has claimed the hayloft as his kingdom and reigns from high atop the hay pile. Each night he climbs high up to his throne... and each morning, stands and crows from his lofty chamber. If...

- Turkens
Meet IvankaAnd NatashaIt has been a while since I have shown you a picture of the turkens (Transylvanian naked neck chickens). They are almost full grown now and have their adult feathers. Surprisingly, turkens are very hardy chickens....and these gals...

- Chicken Reorganization
Yesterday morning I decided it was time to start to move the "baby" chickens to their permanent home with my other layers. These "babies" were hatched in August and have lived in my smallest henhouse (which I use as a brooder house) since then. Now that...

- Chicken Mystery
Every morning, and pretty near all day long, you can hear Handsome Hank crowing his beautiful fully developed "Cock a Doodle Dooooooo". But, lately, there has been another sound coming from the fancy chicken pen. It sounds as though another rooster may...

