Lucille...Woman of Mystery X3

Lucille...Woman of Mystery X3

You might remember that our decrepit old rooster, Kenny Rogers,
lives in the barn (Witness Protection Program).
Every day he is visited by Lucille, a little red hen.
Now, Lucille is a woman of mystery.
She keeps her business very private.
No one knows where she roosts at night.

She is often seen around the barn, tending to outdoor chores or
foraging for insects.

But when she is not hanging around the barn, we have no idea where she goes.
Now, the mystery gets even better that this.

Apparently, there are three Lucilles.
I know this because I have seen all of them together visiting Kenny.

Three Lucilles, three mysteries!

One of the Lucilles lays an egg in the wheelbarrow full of hay in Kenny's stall each day.
The other two?  Who knows.

Who knows...that is...until yesterday.

Yesterday while cleaning up the previous night's turkey poop droppings 
and filling the turkeys' water and food...

I happened to notice a little red hen sitting in the corner of the turkey house.

Upon closer inspection I saw that there was quite a clutch of eggs beneath said hen.

I carefully removed the eggs, one by one, to find 21 eggs!

I have no idea if this nest is used by one or by two Lucilles.
It's all still a bit of a mystery.

Not knowing exactly how old these eggs were,
I took them home and candled them to make sure there were no chicks in them...
and then put them in a pan on the stove.

The dogs get hard boiled egg with their breakfast each morning,
so this pile of eggs will serve that purpose for a couple of weeks.

The amazing thing is...
I clean the turkey house each morning...
and up to this point have not noticed a pile of eggs in the far corner!
From now on I will be sure to check daily.

It's been a little while (ok, just a week) since I posted a picture of the pink fairy.
Her Mommy sent this to me last evening and I just had to share it with you...
she's changing every day!

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