Maddie Loves Helen

Maddie Loves Helen

Poor, dear blind Helen has been moved to yet another home. This time I think she is much happier. She now occupies the yard and house that were originally built for our yet to be acquired heirloom turkeys. She seems to be thriving very close to her other chicken "friends" (although I use that term they would peck her to death if given the chance.) She spends her day looking through the tall grass for tasty bugs and such. She has even begun to lay her daily egg. It seems she enjoys whatever company happens along and is not averse to an occasional petting. Today, Maddie, our Newfie has decided to camp out with her.

- Hen Hugs
Chickens are not commonly a creature that I consider affectionate. However in the case of our Helen (our almost blind white chicken with cataracts) that is not so. Each day when entering Helen's yard, she greets us at the door making soft hen sounds....

- Amazon Chicken
You might remember that we started a new batch of just hatched Rhode Island Red chicks a few months ago. Well, finally these gals have grown big enough to be introduced to our other older chickens. The newbies were moved into the henhouse about a week...

- Good Buddies
For now, our dear Lucy Cat lives under our A-frame guest house. She has quite comfortable quarters complete with heater, heat lamp over a stuffed, sheepskin bed, and plenty of food and water. She spends her day supervising the building of our log home...

- Helen Has A Friend!!!
Good news for those of you who follow my stories about dear Helen, our myopic chicken with cataracts.....she finally has a compatible roommate. Meet Maude. Maude has moved in with Helen and the girls are getting along splendidly.They spend most of the...

- Needed: Chicken Optometrist
Meet Helen. She is our extremely near-sighted chicken. Weeks ago we found that the other chickens had started to ostrasize her. Upon examination it seemed she had formed rather significant cataracts on her eyes. For her own safety we moved her to another...

