Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 I has lots of responsibilities as the editor in chief of our blog. I has to make sure that everyone gets their reports in on time and that Mommy types them up for us.

 It is a very exhausting job but someone has to do it.

Mommy got a new monitor for her & Daddy's Anniversary, it makes my job a lot easier. I likes the flat screen a lot better. And it gives me more room to sit on the desk.

I is thinking of starting an advice column Sage Advice From Socks. What do you thinks? Do you needs my advice?

~Socks, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

Oh befores I forget drop by the Tabby Cat Club to see my hat. 

- The Cat Realm Sweetens Socks' Day
1. Thank a blogger for nominating you. The Cat Realm was so very kind to think of me. Thanks you so much for giving me this super sweet award. 2. Include the award image on your blog. 3. Nominate and notify a baker's dozen sweet blogs for this award....

- Fenris Friday
I am teaching Junior (Mr. Who, Mommy calls him Junior sometimes cause he acts like ME) how to play ball. BOL, I am faster then him and always get to the ball first. But the little guy can really jump. He looks like he is flying sometimes. Mr. Who makes...

- We Are Feeling Awesome!
We just might have to give Mommy higher marks on her Purr-fur-mance Review. Chancy and Company  & Nellie @ The Cat From Hell gave us the Awesome Blog Award.  We are supposed to tell 7 things about us, Then pass it on. And Mommy was absolutely...

- Introducing ...... & Confucius Cat Purrs 4 Peace Week 29 Peace On Earth. Good Will Toward Men...and Cats...and Other Animals
These are my baby pictures (October 3, 2009). I was born at Grandma's House. I was a barn cat. I didn't have a warm house to sleep in and I didn't get taken to the vet. All that changed Christmas. My Mommy & Daddy still miss Charybdis...

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks
I like sitting in Daddy's chair. He never makes me move. Scylla always likes to be higher then everybody so she is sitting on the desk. She is telling me all about this new mancat she meet. I think she likes him a lot. He is a King and his first...

