Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

When it is hot out I likes to spend my time inside napping. Mommy managed to get a picture on one of her water breaks. She on the other hand has strawberries to pick, weeds to pull and plants to water. No napping inside for her. ~Socks reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

- Mancat Monday
Scylla, Do you see the dogs? Nope, no dogs on my side of the table. Scylla are you sure you don't see any dogs on your side of the table? They seem to be missing!!!!!!! OK, I am just going to mosey over here and drink out of the doggies water bowl. ...

- Fenris Friday ~ Cat Sitting Staring Fenris & Socks
I has a very impawtant job. I has to make sure Socks stays inside the fence, I am suppose to make sure Tuiren stays inside the fence too, but I am more successful with Socks. Socks listens better then Tuiren when I barks get down..  Socks is sneaky...

- Scylla Sunday
We has such a lot to do. I has been helping Mommy as much as I can. We had lots of RAIN and flooding and it got Mommy behind on the weeding and the weeds grew like crazy. We also has strawberries to pick now. ~Scylla, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats...

- Tallulah Skye On Thursday
They are finally letting me do a post, I am very new at this so I hope I do OK. I guess I should tell you a bit about me. I am at least 30 years old and Mommy's Grandma Agnes made me for her. I spend most of my time in the bedroom napping. Today...

- Rainy Days And Thursdays
We've had a good deal of rain this week...scattered storms that seem to have decided not to scatter. Indoor activities have won out over outdoor chores. The garden is loving the moisture,and I am loving not having to water it! The weeds, however,...

