Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 I am so glad the "cat man" agreed to take Butters I didn't like him hanging around my yard. Butters still needs a home. The "cat man" has 50+ cats, some of them feral and Butters will have to live outside with the feral cats until a home can be found for him. But at least he isn't here.

 Butters sprayed a lot so I started spraying too. Yes I am neutered, neutered cats will still spray. Scylla is spayed and she even sprays. Cats are less likely to spray if they are spayed and neutered but they are still capable of doing it and YES, girls do spray, they are just less likely too.

 I like the Wildflower Garden Daddy made.

 What do you mean I can't drink out of the birdbath, just watch me?

 I am making sure Mommy waters the plants.

 I thinks I will hide from her for awhile. I am pretty sure she can't see me here.

 You don't thinks she saw me do you?

Here I am Mom, I have been here the whole time you are just blind as a bat. ~Socks

- Tuiren Tuesday With Yang
 Yang likes to hang out in the back yard with me and Fenris. Mommy says she thinks Yang thinks he is a doggie. He does act like us.  I am pretty sure he knows he is a cat though. He is fixing to go pounce on Yin, she is in the Jungle Gym.  I...

- Yin & Yang (national Feral Cat Day)
As you can imagine this is a cause very dear to our hearts. Feral cats are not socialized to people. And therefore, they are not adoptable. Feral cats don’t belong indoors and are typically wary of us. However, as members of the domestic cat species...

- Butters Needs A Home
Butters needs a home, you can see more pictures of him here. He is a CREAM TABBY Male. At the moment he is an intact male, we are working very hard to change this with help from lots of our friends. He has lovely golden eyes, he is very gentle and loving...

- Thanksgiving Gotcha / Adoption Stories
Minna Krebs is hosting the Gotcha/Adoption Stories, so please paw over to her blog to read more heartwarming stories.  I use to live at Grandma & Grandpa's house. They have lots of cats because they refuse to get their cats spayed and neutered....

- Daisy The Curly Cat Is Raising Her Paw For A Good Cause And We Are Too!
Daisy the Curly Cat: I am raising my paw for a good cause! Daisy is raising her paw for a very good cause, having your cats (we think you should have your dogs spayed & neutered too for the same reasons) spayed and neutered. She list some excellent...

