Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

Daddy is working on a new PROJECT. As chief architect I am carefully examining the draft to make sure he didn't make any design errors. It is important to catch them in the design phase so you don't mess up the project. ~Socks

- Tails On Tuesday
We won this Drinkwell 360 by sending postcards to The Pet Postcard Project. "Pet Postcards" for this project are homemade postcards featuring your own pets that you make and then snail mail into The Pet Postcard Project. Each card you send earns 1 pound...

- Soccer
Jackson County supervisors decided last week not to move engineering money from the county's popular Soccer Complex improvement project in Gautier to a project in Hurley. The project in Jackson County has already been on hold too long. Hopefully...

- Words Of Wisdom From The Big Kahuna
It's with great pride I introduce to you the witty and intelligent (he had the good sense to marry me didn't he) Bo Alawine. His column appeared in the Hattiesburg American today. Intelligent design equals creationism Editor's note: This...

- Why It's Important To Teach Facts Not Feelings
When my kids started kindergarten the latest fad in education was the writing to read program. The students were encouraged to write stories, and were told that spelling wasn't important, to just spell the word however they felt it should be spelt....

- Never Enough Fences!
It seems like every summer brings another fencing project.At the end of each project I say the same thing...."Now we have enough more fences."Then another summer comes along and we need another fence. This year's project is construction...

