Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

Sorry no time to chat I has places to go and rodents to catch.

PS: Just wanted to let you know my girlfriend MoMo is home from the Vet (what wonderful news) but she did have a tumor in her mouth that extended into her esophagus and still needs lots of healing purrs. We are sending lots of pawsitive thoughts that the tumor is benign and MoMo will be with us for a long time to come. I am going to teleport over for a visit with my lady love. ~Socks

Graphic by Zoolatry

- Scylla Sunday
 Mom, Mom, I thinks there is a bug in this flowerbed.  Are you going to come see about it?  Socks is taking care of it for us. He is a good big brother. Mommy on the other hand is a lousy photographer.  I wanted Socks to play with...

- Purrs Please
Graphic by ZoolatrySocks' girlfriend MoMo is feeling under the weather and could use some purrs. ...

- Healing Purrs For A Friend
graphic courtesy of ZoolatryWe are sending lots of love and healing purrs to our friends Opus from Cat Naps in Italy.  He is also Gracie's (Goodness Gracie) nephew. ...

- Thursday (not) In The Garden
Mommy has an ear infection so she REFUSED to go outside and take pictures for us. All she wants to do is sleep. We are not sure who is more worthless Mommy or Socks. They are both just laying around sleeping. Socks even has the TV remote close at hand...

- Our Visit To The Land Down Under By The Cats
Front Row: Socks & MoMo Back Row: Charlotte, Charybdis & Scylla MoMo invited us to come for a visit. Scylla & Charybdis have become such good friends with Charlotte that she joined us for a picnic at the Royal Botanic Gardens. You can see...

