Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

 Scylla stop pushing me off the bed.

 Honestly sisters can be such pest sometimes.

Tallulah Skye is much better behaved.

I am ready for a nice long nap now.

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks' Catastrophes
Morning everyone, Don't worry,  I am just chilling out until CATastrophes comes on (the new episode will be out 10AM CST). I am not having a CATastrophe of my own. The sun makes the rocks nice and warm, even if it is November. The wind is kinda...

- Thursday In The Bed With Scylla
I decided to spend the day with Tallulah Skye. For those of you who don't remember her she did a post here. Sometimes it is nice to be lazy and spend the day in bed. Me and Skye have lots to gossip about. She has been with Mommy like forever. And...

- Mancat Monday
 Hanging out with Scylla & Tallulah Skye on the bed.  Scylla gave Mom a hand with the laundry so we could go outside.  I guesses Scylla does a decent job as a Housecat, er Mommy said the word is Housewife.  Daddy was glad to see...

- Tasty Tuesday With Artemisia
Good morning everyone.I likes spending time with TALLULAH SKYE. Today we are discussing herbs. These herbs are in Mommy's herb bed. This is the curry. Parsley Lavender, it smells good. Greek & Italian Oregano Thyme Fennel, the Fennel was here...

- Scylla Sunday
I am snuggling with Tallulah Skye. We likes to sit in this chair together. Although it is kinda crowded with the dolls. Tallulah Skye is telling me about Mommy's plans for our chair. ...

