Mancat Monday

Mancat Monday

It was cooler at our house yesterday, Mommy actually had on long sleeves. It is suppose to warm back up though. We hope so cause Daddy isn't finished with the greenhouse. We have our paws crossed he will finish before the cold weather comes. The rock things around the faucet are looking nice. I think they will make excellent hunting platforms (Socks get down), the beans disagree. We will have Mommy post some pictures of it soon.

- Fenris Friday
Daddy is too busy to play ball with me. This makes me very sad. When he went to put the sides back on the Greenhouse, he discovered a lot of the wood had rotted and had to be replaced. Including the roof. So Daddy practically had to rebuild the Greenhouse....

- Mancat Monday ~ Tired
Gosh I am glad it's Monday. Daddy has gone back to work and I can finally get some rest. We spent this weekend weeding flower beds, cutting brush, laying rocks around the water faucet (Mommy is suppose to be taking pictures so we can show you), and...

- Wrinkled ~ Photo Hunt
If you stay in the water too long you will get WRINKLED. This is what the beans did the 4th of July. They meet this nice woofie. She had very nice manners. Mommy said when they started eating their sandwiches she just laid down nearby. Mommy gave the...

- Socks Was Tagged For A Meme
Here are the rules: You have to post who tagged you and link back to them and then to Petspix. Then you have to tag 3 other kitties, beans, woofies, or any other assorted animal. What three things would you do that you have never done before, if you knew...

- Cozy Cats
It is cold at our house. We had frost on the ground yesterday. We had never seen frost before. It is very coldy to your paws. We caught a mole when we were outside. Mommy shrieked when we brought it in the house to play with it. Daddy took it away from...

