Matchmaker, Matchmaker

Matchmaker, Matchmaker

Dot, singing in her very best á cappella goaty voice:

"Matchmaker, matchmaker make me a match;
find me a find;
catch me a catch."

Yes, Dot has come of age.
It's time to find a suitable fellow for future mating seasons.
Dr. Becky (our matchmaker) has been searching for just the right beau
for our sweet little Dot.

Our present bucks cannot mate with Dot, as they are all relatives.
So, we are searching outside the farm for a colorful young man with good manners,
good breeding and dashing good looks!

This little fellow is in the running....
(he comes from a farm in we have purchased a buck from in the past)

Isn't he handsome?

Dr. Becky will be interviewing prospective suitors over the next few weeks.
We will let you know who she choses for Dot as soon as we know.

Early yesterday morning, we had yet another snowfall.
As usual, when bad weather happens, our fainting goats stay in their houses.

Mothers and daughters often bunk together.

In the buck pen there are 5 houses, and three goats.

Yesterday morning all 3 boys were in one house together.
Sadly, I did not have my camera.
But later that day, Fred and Donald remained in a single house, 

while Chip was alone in another. 

Now, imagine how tight that house was with all three!!

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