Mating Owls and Blubbering Goats

Mating Owls and Blubbering Goats

This time of year, when I head out to do morning chores,
this is what I hear in our woods....


Owls are definitely my favorite bird...
and Great Horned Owls are amazing creatures.
With a five foot wingspan and perfect vision, these silent fliers are hunting machines.
Amazing creatures!

Yesterday afternoon, there was lots of activity in the goat yard.

It seems that Dot is "in season"...
and Chip (though neutered) is quite interested.  

One good whiff of Dot, and Chip was a blubbering fool!

Silly Chip...silly one-horned Chip!
(he broke his horn off years ago head-butting one of the other boys)

While Chip was trying he best to attract Dot,
a few of the other goats were enjoying one of their favorite delicacies...

Evergreens are one of the goats' favorites.
It looks like Becky took her Christmas tree down.
Every year our Christmas trees get recycled this way.
When all of the needles are eaten, we grind up the trunks and use them as pine mulch for the horses.
Not much goes to waste around here!

In case you were wondering what our New Year's Eve plans are...
home by the fire... to bed early... tomorrow's another day, and the animals don't care much for us sleeping in!
Whatever you are safe!
And may all the best of the New Year be yours!

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