Meet Gus

Meet Gus

Meet Gus. When Gus found out that Elvis had his very own posting, he tackled me in the driveway and insisted that he be given equal time. Gus is our one and only white guinea fowl. He is the only one of his flock that we are sure is a male. This we know from a particular behavior that he frequently exhibits....yes, and you can guess what that is!

- Another Sad Tale
It is a good thing that the happy tales way outnumber the sad tales....or this farm life would be unbearable. As a result of too many unhappy guinea tales, I have come to a critical more guineas. This past weekend was just too sad. The...

- Pecking Order
This might be the one chicken characteristic that I cannot stand. That is.....the weakest chicken is always picked on by the others. Yesterday morning I witnessed a very sad display of this pecking order behavior. Unfortunately my favorite gal, Babs,...

- Baby Steps
I have come to the conclusion that guinea fowl are not the sharpest tools in the shed. It seems to take forever for them to learn new behavior. Our 24 keets are now large enough to safely go out into their yard and not be able to escape through the fencing....

- Meet Elvis
Introducing.........ELVIS!!! And you thought he was gone forever. Elvis is our one and only Rooster. For the past several months we have assumed that Elvis was a she and that she was just an exceptional hen. That was until she crowed.....and very quickly...

- Guinea Gnews!
Welcome!... to Bee Haven Acres newest additions....16 baby guinea fowl. We are replenishing our flock whose numbers are down to seven. Last year we started with 18 guineas. Unfortunately, this bunch had a nasty habit of throwing themselves in front of...

