Memories, Part Two

Memories, Part Two

Dreary weather continues here on the farm.
For the past two days I have been absent for part of each day...
family business.

So, my apologies again....
I have nothing newsworthy to share.

The animals are all a bit damp and most are choosing the shelter of their homes.
Happily, the sun is due to make an appearance today (maybe)...
and I will once again have critter stories to share with you.

To end the week, I will continue yesterday's post with a few memorable photos
from years gone by.....

A young Sadie meets Becky's Fagner, who (sadly) passed last year.
Fagner was a Hanoverian and her first eventing horse.
They are standing in the field where our indoor arena and upper pastures now stand.

Moonbeam joyfully kicks up his heels, racing around the dry lot....

Our very first band of guineas in formation, doing what guineas do best....
insect hunting!

The first goat babies born on the farm....
OMG, the cutest!!!!

The garden, before boxes were built...
Oh, what a difference!!

Oh my...... grasshopper love.
I love this picture.

Maddie in her glory....

Thanks for hanging in there with me this week.
I promise I will have my blogging mojo back next week....
with more "current" tails from the farm!

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