Million $ School Scuffle

Million $ School Scuffle

A million dollar lawsuit has been filed on behalf of a Mid-South student who says he was roughed up by a school resource officer. It happened at Greenwood High School in Greenwood, Mississippi.

Bounds definitely needs to put an end to all this school violence.
The videos, taken Dec. 6 by two surveillance cameras at Greenwood High School and obtained by The Clarion-Ledger, are at the center of 18-year-old student James Marshall's claims that he was the target of a racially motivated beating at the hands of Greenwood police officer Casey Wiggins. The videos show Wiggins, 26, grappling with Marshall, twice pulling his gun on the student, pushing him into a wall and briefly applying a choke hold on him before a school employee steps in.
I am not so sure it was racially motivated, it seems that ALL TEENS are fair game these days no mater what the pigmentation of their skin. Maybe age discrimination would be more accurate. The picture that appears in the Clarion Ledger is also troubling as it shows the student (who is a big guy) on top of the police officer who is sprawled on the ground.
The officer claims that when he approached, Marshall became "hostile" and began to struggle."I then fell to the ground, he was still grabbing me so I reached and pulled my firearm," Wiggins' report says. Marshall says he was just showing off his new tattoo -- his name on his left forearm -- when the officer accosted him. Wiggins arrested the student for simple assault, but police never filed charges. Moore said the officer is a "loose cannon" and that race "played a part in the aftermath because the officer was not punished for what he did."

I am keeping an open mind here. From the picture in the Clarion Ledger it looks as if the officer may have been justified in feeling threatened and pulling a gun. I know if this big guy was on top of me, I would have felt as if my life was in danger and reacted to that. In which case there was no reason to "punish" the officer for defending himself. As I haven't seen the whole video it's hard to say what really happened.
Moore said this morning Marshall was still waiting to appear on national television news shows such as CBS's "Early Show," ABC's "Good Morning America" and the television news magazine "Inside Edition."
I also find it upsetting that Marshall is making national TV appearances. One can only wonder if this is a legitimate grievance or a bid for fame. Regardless it looks like Hank Bounds should get busy scrutinizing the public schools in Mississippi and look for ways to prevent violence in our public schools instead of harassing legitimate homeschoolers.

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