Mississippi Gulf Coast: Choctaws ought to have a clear view that they will face opposition if they continue to pursue a casino in Jackson County

Mississippi Gulf Coast: Choctaws ought to have a clear view that they will face opposition if they continue to pursue a casino in Jackson County

Mississippi Gulf Coast: Choctaws ought to have a clear view that they will face opposition if they continue to pursue a casino in Jackson County

- Mississippi Gulf Coast: The Vote Ought To Stand As A Clear Message To The Political Leaders And The Mississippi Choctaws That Jackson County Does Not Want This Casino.
Mississippi Gulf Coast: The vote ought to stand as a clear message to the political leaders and the Mississippi Choctaws that Jackson County does not want this casino. ...

- Residents Of Jackson County Not Allowed To Voice Their Opinion On Choctaw Casino
In 1990, about 60 percent of the county voters rejected gambling. Now the Choctaws want to ram it down our throats. If they want a casino on the Gulf Coast, why don't they put it in Harrison or Hancock County where the residents voted FOR GAMBLING?...

- Choctaw Chief Beasly Denson Wants To Ram The Casino Down Jackson County Resident's Throat
Newly elected Choctaw Chief Beasley Denson has said he will not abide by the Jackson County referendum. He said it is an issue to be resolved between the Mississippi Band of Choctaws, the governor's office and the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Under...

- Denson Hasn't Announced Whether He Is In Favor Of The Casino, But Said The Decision Should Be Made By Choctaws, Not By Jackson County Voters.
What a new chief will mean to Jackson County is uncertain. The Choctaws have announced plans to build a casino on tribal land near exit 57 of Interstate 10. Casino owners in Harrison and Hancock counties are strongly opposed to that proposal, saying the...

- Many People & Many Reasons For Not Wanting A Casino In Jackson County
Local pastors don't want a casino in Jackson County, they site the dangers of gambling. Environmentalist object to the proposed site which is partially wetlands and close to the Mississippi Sandhill Crane refuge. Coast Businesses For Fair Play object...

