Moments From Summer's End

Moments From Summer's End

Although the season has yet to change...
which is quite evident with the current heat wave in which we seem to be stuck...
summer is over.

Community pools are closed, school is in session...
and around the farm summer's frenzy is slowing down.

Apples hang ripe on our craggy apple trees...

The last of the cabbage has been harvested and shredded into a crock to ferment...
another batch of homemade sauerkraut for the coming winter...

The tomatoes are all but finished.
Although I wish I had fresh homegrown tomatoes to eat throughout the entire year,
I have to say that I have sauced until I can sauce no more!
The pepper plants continue to produce...
so there will be no shortage of hot pepper relish this year!

Our weekend was one of moments...
sweet moments holding precious Mackenzie, now 4 weeks old...
cuddly and perfect.

And adventurous moments with the apple of my eye.
Tyler spent Friday and Saturday at the farm.

Tyler:  "Grammie, can we take a walk in the deepest, darkest woods?"

Grammie:  "Sure, Tyler."

Tyler:  "Ok, I'll walk on this side of the path because it's the spooky side, and I'm spooky."
"You walk on the other side of the path, because it's the cute side."

Be still my heart.
I love this boy.
To the moon and back.

Becky had a big picnic in our pavilion on Sunday... a birthday party.
We attended.
So did the turkeys.

And on Monday, we relaxed (relatively).

I spent some time in the sheep pen, lying on my stomach...
just enjoying the peace and quiet...

ruminating over this....


And in case you've wondered if I have been knitting...
here is what I have been doing...

And last but not least...something very curious.
I have been watching this plant for the past month and a half...

it is growing out of the back of my gator's hitch.
There must be just enough biological material there for it to survive...
and it has even grown those long tendrils which reach up to the bed of the gator.
It just goes to show that "Where there's a will find it!"

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