More About the HPV Vaccine

More About the HPV Vaccine

Close to 4,000 women die of cervical cancer every year, a 10th of them in Texas. The human papillomavirus - which will infect more than half of sexually active people at some point in their lives - is the leading cause of the disease. A new vaccine, Merck's Gardasil, prevents almost all of the strains of HPV responsible for 70 percent of these cancer cases, as well as 90 percent of genital warts.

What's the harm, proponents ask, in requiring the vaccine for 11- and 12-year-old girls?

I don't see any.

"They're hitting two nerves: They're not only taking away parental rights, but they're talking about a vaccine against a purely sexually transmitted disease," said Linda Klepacki, a sexual health analyst for the evangelical group Focus on the Family. "Does the public health industry truly believe that all children and adolescents are sexually active? This is not something kids are going to contract sitting in the classroom."

It's probably safe to say that at some point in their lives the majority of kids will be sexually active, they deserve protection against HPV. And I find it horrifying that a supposedly Christian group would rather women get cervical cancer and die then receive the HPV vaccine.

The vaccine, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended for preteen girls seven months ago, has been tested in more than 11,000 young women over five years with no serious side effects. Perry's HPV mandate - the first in the nation - allows anyone to opt out of the inoculation for personal or religious reasons.

It's been tested, there are no serious side effects and there is an opt out, so whats the problem?

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