More news on the pet food recall

More news on the pet food recall

I would give anything if Whiskers was still alive, no matter how high the medical bill. The pet food recall is still a hot topic in the news.

Owners Furious Over Deadly Pet Food Recall
And they still don't know why our pets died needlessly.
The Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday it is aware of 14 confirmed animal deaths related to a major recall over the weekend of 91 brands of pet food, but the agency is getting "lots of telephone calls" from worried consumers.

The cause of contamination is still being investigated, said Stephen Sundlof, director of the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine. "We have no firm leads," he said, but suspicion remains focused on a possible contamination of wheat gluten, used to thicken gravy in the "cuts and gravy" cat and dog foods sold in pouches and cans.

I hope this money hungry corporation learns that our pets lives are valuable and that waiting to recall a tainted product isn't an option

Long Island family whose dog died sues over pet food recall
"It's a loss that goes beyond belief," said Frederick Bobb, of Merrick, N.Y., who buried Princess after she died of kidney failure on March 10.
The day after Whiskers died of kidney failure.

Menu Foods has confirmed the deaths of 15 cats and one dog, and there have been widespread reports of kidney failure, some fatal, in other pets that have eaten the affected brands.

On a personal note my parents gave their dogs one of the dog foods listed on the recall list, they seem to be OK, and my parents have ceased giving them the potentially lethal dog food.

- More Ocean Springs Pets Victims Of Menu Foods
Whiskers died March 9th, 2007 of kidney failure. He ate Special Kitty Pouch Cat Food that was on the recall list. In today's paper I read where another local pet fell victim to Menu Foods negligence. Sami's vet, Dr. Lisa Wilkerson of Big Ridge...

- I Have A Headache ~how Do We Know What Dry Cat Food Is Safe?
The news that dry food, made by an undisclosed pet food manufacturer, may also be contaminated with the substance causing kidney failure in pets, as well as troubling implications for the human food supply, overshadowed some of the medical news that came...

- A Tainted Food Scare Linked To The Deaths Of At Least 16 Animals Raises Questions About The Regulation Of Pet Foods.
On March 20, Daniel Rogan, 12, holds a photo of his 9-month-old kitten that was euthanized two weeks ago after eating what the family believes was tainted food From Newsweek The processing plant in Emporia, Kans., where the tainted food was manufactured,...

- Class Action Lawsuit Involving The Largest Pet Food Recall In Us History.
WTW, with co-counsel, has brought the first California class action lawsuit involving the largest pet food recall in US history. Menu Foods, and its affiliated companies, have recalled approximately 60 million containers of pet food covering close to...

- Special Kitty Pouch Cat-food Killed Whiskers
Many of you who read my blog regularly know we recently lost out beloved cat Whiskers to kidney failure. Today I read in the paper that the Special Kitty Pouch Cat-food that he regularly ate was being recalled because it caused kidney failure in an unknown...

