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More Traditions

"Walkie Time!"...
a favorite evening activity.
Four sets of four legs come running when they hear those two words.

Out the door, and down the driveway...
with tremendous energy and overwhelming excitement.
You would never guess that Hickory is the eldest of the gang.
She races down the driveway after Hubbs in the gator.
And Oakley... well, he never has four feet on the ground at the same time.
How he loves a walk!
Oakley runs circles around everyone else.
Maddie lumbers on.
Sadie waits for me to catch up.
Her motto is "no man left behind."

The destination of this walk is the vegetable garden.
It is late evening and time to water.
Hickory eagerly follows me into the garden...

Meanwhile, Maddie takes a detour
and trudges up through the pastures to visit the goats and chickens.

Sadie stays in the garden,
always close by, in case I need her.

Eventually, Maddie returns, to get a drink.
There is nothing like a cold drink from the hose.

Maddie is a Newfoundland, and Newfs are drawn to water
like bees to nectar!
She just never gets enough.

Oakley, of course has been out running in the woods.
On his way back to the garden he passes Bobby, 
who wants to play.

But Oakley keeps right on walking...
resisting Bobby's charm.
Did you know that you can tell how tired a dog is....
by how far out his tongue hangs?
It's true.
Oakley's tongue just gets longer and longer!

Oakley might be tired, but Maddie is just getting geared up.
She spies TomTom 

and tries to entice him to play...
Oh no, not Hickory, too......

So much for TomTom's nap!

So with watering done, we head back to home.
Look who's coming down the lane...

It's baby Tyler, out for his evening walk, too!

A little fresh air before bedtime,
and a little lovin from Grammie...

Enough fresh air and exercise for everyone to sleep well tonight.

We all love evening walks!
Thanks for coming along with us.

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