Morning chores

Morning chores

Every morning it is the same routine...
out of bed at the crack of dawn,

load the dogs into the gator,
(Oakley runs ahead of us)
(Sadie stays home these days...a little lameness issue).

TomTom meets the gator halfway down the lane.

We head to the barn and are greeted each morning by the same faces.
Moonbeam and Donnie are quite eager for their breakfast,
and let us know so by clacking their hooves on the metal gate.

Ella Bella is always in the same place
requesting her breakfast, too.

Bobby rides along to deliver fresh water to all the animals.

The chickens are always waiting for us...
eager to get their treat of scratch.

Then out to take care of the goats...
Did you know that goats are always happy?
It's true... happiness is their essence.

There is a routine to each morning.
The same chores need to be done,
the same faces are there...waiting.

It's this sameness, this routine,
that gives us all security.
There is a comfort to the rhythm of the farm.

The work is done, over and over,
day after day,
and yet,
it is not tedious,
it is not drudgery.

The rhythm is peaceful and serene.

Life on the farm....

A very good life.

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